
Touch screen integration

There are many drawbacks in the traditional school system. Teaching is a one-way transfer of knowledge from teacher to student, where there is little student interaction. The teaching process is constrained by the physical boundaries of the classroom and does not involve social relationships with other students. Touch Screen Panels, Open Frame Monitor, and various technology-based solutions are gaining popularity compared to traditional teaching methods, Because their goal is to stimulate students’ enthusiasm for classroom participation.

used in education

Touch Screen Panels are popular because they are intuitive and easy to understand, and can greatly reduce hardware costs. With the emergence and development of Touch Screen Panels, there are several multi-touch software frameworks. Multi-touch often follows the concept of adaptive learning. Numerous studies have shown that students who engage in interactive games using multi-touch technology perform better because they engage heavily in group activities while learning. Modern classrooms require interactive and multi-touch whiteboards that can be mounted on LCD touchscreens without the need for a projector. Students of all heights and abilities can learn from the whiteboard.

Improve student interaction

Touch Screen Panels and other companion devices can improve student interaction and collaboration across disciplines. The new device has an advanced palm rejection feature that allows students to place their hands naturally on the screen during breaks, just like regular paper and pen. Devices such as custom stylus can now use on-screen text and graphics through the use of applications. The touch display can present interactive sound and visual feedback based on the tracking process and direction.

Touch screen integration

Help students overcome difficulties

Learning difficulties are some abstract theories and concepts that are difficult to directly observe and imagine, while the Open Frame Monitor can help students establish the connection between concepts and representations in the brain with vivid and intuitive three-dimensional images, and establish connections between various senses. The connection between the left brain and the right brain combines the form of the left brain with the meaning of the right brain, so that it can be incorporated into the students’ own knowledge structure and processed to solve the problem.

Different installation methods meet the needs of different environments. The touch teaching all-in-one machine is divided into built-in, external, mobile and other installation solutions. Whether it is a small space or a harsh installation environment, the touch teaching all-in-one can be installed through different installation methods. convenient.
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